Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hello there! Did you enjoy Sir Ken Robbinson's video?

I loved it! So funny....but of course that's not the most important thing!

I think we, as future teachers, should always consider a fundamental tool inside our classroom: CREATIVITY!

Schools are not considering it at all, and as a result, we all know the consequences...right?

But what I really liked about his speech was the way he insists on how economy disturbs the real meaning of being a teacher you know? Mbas, Phds and stuff... are we supossed to be nothing without those degrees?

That means we are not so sure about the tools we posses. How would we? We don't even know how to use the most important one...creativity...or mistakes!

This isn't just a speculation. The only thing you have to do is to read your kid or your little brother's timetable and see how that cute little piece of paper doesn't care too much about arts or music. Now see the importance it gives to math or language...wow!

Scary isn't it? But don't worry is......how do you call it? ...REALITY?!!!

Would you like to change it?

See ya!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lily's cleaning the house!

Well....lots of questions...I chose this university because my uncle's friend told me about it and she said it's a pretty good college. Besides, there aren't too many options in terms of traditional universities so, I tried to choose the one that I reaaally liked.
I'm studying this specially because I love English, but I love to teach it. The translation thing is not my main interest, but to teach somebody else, kind of gives me "what I'm looking for" and that is to work at something I love.
I think that a really good professional (talking about the education area) should be able to talk with students, to let them know that u r interested in their learning.
A good professor should consider student's opinion and their role inside the classroom.
They are not machines that "decode" every single thing u r trying to explain.
Finally, I hope to be a great teacher and I also hope to have the basic tools to "sow" interest in my student so they remember me as a person that really matters what they are learning.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Lily's in da house!....again...

So...mmm...interesting, although I'm really bad at the phrasals game!
Anyway...I was looking for something special and I found this funny quizzes.
They kind of teach new vocabulary....I mean what's less formal.
So let's imagine you're on the States and u wanna sound cool, what should I do?
- you may ask yourself and here comes the answer...quizzes!

There are different subjects, all u have to do is choose the one u like the most and....tataaaan!
U are cool! and for free!!

Well, that's it. I hope u don't find it boring. Don't find it boring!

I'm leaving then.....guess to what....read....awesome right!?