Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lily is leaving da house!

First of all, I would love to say that I had lots of fun doing this kind of activity....I had no idea how to create my own blog! Seriously, technology and I are not close friends and we only consider our friendship whenever I need to use it. Sounds selfish, I know, but technology manipulates us too.
Anyway, doing this activity helped me improving my English, in terms of writing, but I think that more important than that is the fact that it gave me the opportunity to express my ideas to other people.
What I enjoyed the most where the topics we focused on. Of course it's cool to gossip about a famous rock star or whatever people like gossiping about, but knowing what are my classmates opinions and for them to know what’s my opinion of what they wrote sounds like a pretty cool feedback, specially in a generation that loves to communicate it's ideas through Internet.

What I've said so far sounds like advantages, and they are. However, this is just my opinion, I love talking to people and, like I said before, my friendship with
Mr. Technology is not that cool at all- and the only interpreter I have is my little brother- but I think I should consider that most of my classmates love using Internet and stuff. Is just that being in front of a computer for long hours sounds awful to me! But this is only a disadvantage for people that stare at their computer thinking that one of these days it'll just disappear! Not my case though.

So talking about the good side and the bad one, let me tell you a little bit about my strengths and weaknesses during this semester.
Man! What a hard semester! Honestly, I think all my study methodology went away. That would be my weakness. I've been too tired to finish things on time, although that is not an excuse!
Now let's take a look on the good side…shall we? I think something really special happened to me this semester. I feel really comfortable doing stuff, even though I'm tired. I’ve been able to express whatever I want to say, whenever I want to say it (in a proper way of course)

That's why I think that the idea of doing this activity was so fun, 'cause I really didn't care about what was the right thing to say, I just expressed my thoughts and that's it.

Let me tell you something, I'll definitely keep “blogging”. Just let me work things out with Mr. Technology and I promise to continue sharing my ideas with you//

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lily wants to get out of da house!

So...I was reading all these newspapers and I decided to read about TRAVELLING!
Just a second to picture how cool our summertime will be!

Mr. Hunt, Director of Tourism in Australia, said that more and more tourists are looking for out-of- the-ordinary experiences, and not just that, but also they are looking for eco-friendly holidays too.
Since travelling is so fashionable these days- he says- industries are doing their best to catch people's attention by creating cool stuff , but also environmentally friendly experiences .
For example, nightclubs in Amsterdam with dance floors that generate electricity from dancing, or tree houses in Germany are, among others, costumers favorites experiences during holiday.

Talking about out-of-the-ordinary experiences, I was reading the guardian newspaper and I found this interesting thing about artificial surfing. Surfers living in Bournemouth, England, don't have to worry about the lack of good waves anymore. The construction of the artificial reef took 2 years and it opened just 2 weeks ago for people to have- and to pay- a great summertme!

Finally, I read New York Times Travel section and I found that the newest fashionable place to visit is...guess what.....ding ding ding Valparaiso!!!
The journalist experienced himself the excellent quality of the food of the region.
Not only he was impressed by the crab, meat, or the wine, but also for the colorful old homes that gives a beautiful touch to the city and, of course, to your meals.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Too bad I don't have time to do this!...
Anyway...I loved the website. I think we've never done something like this and I found it pretty cool. This is kind of new information but also a topic that makes us wonder too many things which I think it's the best after a class.